OptimizePress – On The Inside [VIDEO]
I recently spilled the beans on my personal lovefest with OptimizePress. Today, I wanted to followup with a quick video showing the inside of this theme.
I’m going to take you “behind the scenes” into the pages of my Blog Masters Club launch, which I recently ran on top of OptimizePress. You might have seen the public side of that launch… now you can see how I set the whole thing up with OptimizePress.
I recently spilled the beans on my personal lovefest with OptimizePress. Today, I wanted to followup with a quick video showing the inside of this theme.
I’m going to take you “behind the scenes” into the pages of my Blog Masters Club launch, which I recently ran on top of OptimizePress. You might have seen the public side of that launch… now you can see how I set the whole thing up with OptimizePress.
Some people seem to have a little confusion on how OptimizePress fits into a blog. For example, can you use OptimizePress on the same domain as an existing blog?
OptimizePress is a theme, and Wordpress can only run one theme at a time. Additionally, while OP has a blog theme built-in, it is pretty basic. I assume their blog theme will get better over time, but the truth is that OP isn’t designed to be a blog theme in the traditional sense. OP is used when you want to use Wordpress as the basis for a product you’re launching. It can be used for squeeze pages, video pages, membership portals, and launch sequences. It isn’t really intended to be a blog theme.
If you have an existing blog that you don’t want to screw up, then your best bet is to install OP (along with Wordpress, of course) on a separate domain or in a sub-folder on your existing domain. Yes, you can run more than one installation of Wordpress on the same domain.
Where OP excels is in allowing you to set up a launch or a membership site, make it look professional, and do it QUICKLY.
Now, I want to invite you to a public workshop I’m going to be holding this week…
You’re Invited! – Free Public Workshop – “Quickest Path To Setting Up A Membership Site”
On Thursday, February 3rd, at 9PM EST, I will be holding an online workshop where I will spell out the quickest A-to-B path to setting up a membership site.
You might ask why I mention this on a post about OptimizePress…. well, because OP is part of the process. And I’ll show you why on the workshop.
I’ll give you the pieces that you’ll need and I’ll give you some advice on putting it all together, populating it with content, and bringing it to market. The idea here is SPEED. I’m all about speed these days. 🙂 This workshop will demystify the logistics of a membership site for some, and show you how you can literally have a site set up and ready to go in no time.
To attend this workshop, I just need you to RSVP to save your “seat”. Click here to RSVP.
Got A Question?
Have a question about this article? Need some help with this topic (or anything else)? Send it in and I’ll get back to you personally. I think that’s better than a blog comment. 😇