A Technique To Sell Without Selling
If you’re a blogger who is uncomfortable selling from your blog, here’s a technique that is super-simple and can make you more money. This might work. I’m just sayin’. π First, look at average conversion rates. The average conversion rate on a sales letter is 1%-2%. Certainly nothing spectacular. Yet, on a typical squeeze page, the conversion rate might be more like 40% (or higher). I’ve had them convert at close to 60% before.
August 11, 2011
If you’re a blogger who is uncomfortable selling from your blog, here’s a technique that is super-simple and can make you more money.
This might work. I’m just sayin’. π
First, look at average conversion rates. The average conversion rate on a sales letter is 1%-2%. Certainly nothing spectacular. Yet, on a typical squeeze page, the conversion rate might be more like 40% (or higher). I’ve had them convert at close to 60% before.
So, on the average, we’re looking at about a 20X better conversion. Simply because you’re offering them something in exchange for their email address rather than going directly for the money.
Once they’re on your list, you provide them solid value. You help them. Of course, the content you provide is strategic as it is related to your offer.
Then, your offer (whether it be an ebook or membership site) is linked to in the email simply as a source for more information. It can be as simple as “For more information on X, click here.” That’s it. You do this regularly in the form of a newsletter.
So, here’s what you’re doing…
You are reducing friction. By going with a conversion point which operates 20X better, you’re getting a lot more prospects to take action. Taking action is a form of commitment, so they’re more likely to take action again later. Once they’re on your email list, you can further the relationship in a more intimant setting (their inbox). You’re providing value the whole time… not pitching them.
If you want to automate the thing further, then put the newsletters into an autoresponder sequence rather than 1-time broadcasts. You’ve just built yourself a semi-automated lead funnel that’ll make sales. All without pitching from your blog.
People have an aversion to being sold. And, as a result, you don’t like to “pitch” things. Instead, set up your content in such a way that it is strategic and minimizes friction. Provide value the whole time and you’ll get people to pull out their wallet.
If you want to put this kind of thing to work for you the right way, here’s what you’ll need:
- Using Optimizepress can help you design killer squeeze pages that will help you get that 40% conversion rate or higher.
- You’ll need a real email list. I recommend Aweber, but you can also go with Mailchimp (another popular option).
- Learn how to Master Your List, with this mini-course on how to build and use your email list the right way, even when your list is still small. Taught by your’s truly. π
Got A Question?
Have a question about this article? Need some help with this topic (or anything else)? Send it in and I’ll get back to you personally. I think that’s better than a blog comment. π