9 Tactics For Autopilot Social Proof: How To Get Testimonials On Automatic
Not enough testimonials? Here’s several strategies to get testimonials automatically using systems. So you’ll have a constant flow of new reviews coming in for social proof.
Not enough testimonials? Here’s several strategies to get testimonials automatically using systems. So you’ll have a constant flow of new reviews coming in for social proof.
When it comes to membership site community, I have made the rounds. I went from a Facebook group, to a forum, to BuddyBoss, and then back to nothing. Should YOU build a community for your membership site? And what are your options?
Do blog comments positively affect your traffic? Are they worth having at all? And, if you do enable comments, what are the best practices?
What is a brand, or a personal brand? How exactly do you create one in a purposeful way? This guide to branding will show you the exact components of a brand and give plain-English guidance on creating your own brand.
WP Social Ninja allows you to set up social chat widgets, social reviews and social media content right on your Wordpress site. Let’s take a hands-on look on this new plugin…
I decided to test a boosted post on Facebook for my blog. Here is what happened – both the good and the bad. And lessons learned.
Got a nasty email from a reader or customer? Got a complaint? Maybe it is out in the public and you’re worried about the right way to handle it? This simple guide discusses the best ways to handle complaints in your online business.
Try these 10 best practices (backed by data) to get traffic from Twitter (without paying for it).
A complete guide to the 9 separate factors that go into crafting the perfect blog post – optimized to have maximum traction after you hit the publish button.
NOTE: This post is going to be different than the usual fare around here. It is a bit more personal. It has nothing to do with business, or making money. Instead, it is about my opinion about how each of us can help make the world a little bit better. We’ve all done it….
What kind of content marketing strategies can we observe and apply from the new media network, The Blaze? Put the politics aside… and let’s learn.
So, you want traffic to your new site. What are you doing about it? If you’re anything like the average blogger, you pretty much default to a single strategy: social media. The plan is to get big on Twitter, Facebook and Google+, build your audience over there, and then siphon people off over to your…
How do you get a blogger to promote or review your product? Here’s some direct advice from a blogger with 2 decades of experience.