Issue #26
[GROW-10] Write that email once, use it over and over
This entire series we’ve been running the last couple weeks has been about creating LEVERAGE in our business. And doing it on a limited schedule.
Obviously, if you’re going to grow your online business on a limited schedule (like, if you have a day job), then it is all about creating assets that will work for you on automatic, or move the needle the most given the least amount of work.
One of the things ALL online businesses do is email marketing. You, as the biz owner, then needs to write that email and send it out to the list. That takes time. Sometimes you might not even know what to say. And you then run the risk of letting your email list go stale because they hardly ever hear from you.
And that’s not good.
Writing another blog post isn’t really high leverage. Writing an email to your list is a little higher leverage because it will be read by a larger percentage of your community. But…
Writing an email to add to your autoresponder sequence is even HIGHER leverage.
Instead of sending a one-time email that you just wrote your heart out for, why not add it to your autoresponder instead of sending it out as a broadcast? This way, all future subscribers will also get this email in the future.
But, what about your current subscribers? Well, in almost all email systems, when you add a new email to your autoresponder sequence, it will automatically send out to all current subscribers to that sequence. So, from their viewpoint, it is a broadcast email like any other. Only difference is, that email is now leveraged for later, too.
See how that works?
Let’s say your current autoresponder that all new subscribers get is, say, 5 emails long. Once a subscriber gets all 5 emails, they sort of sit there on “pause”. If you then add a 6th email to the autoresponder, it will go out to all existing subscribers as a new email. But, for NEW subscribers coming in, it will be sent out on the schedule you set.
You build up a library of emails in your autoresponder over time and you now have emails for a long period of time that will be sent to your subscribers while you’re not even there! This is how you create an automated business and an automated traffic machine.
So, spend 30 minutes and write an email. Make that email something valuable, but with a call to action that helps move the needle for you. And, instead of broadcasting it, add it to your autoresponder sequence and build up that asset.
Inside The Lab, I am currently working on a radical update to the Email Followup Engine training… which will then be known (when it’s done) simply as the Email Marketing Engine. This coming Wednesday on the Lab Office Hours, I will be presenting a portion of the new material from this course. I’ll be talking about the “big picture” on email marketing strategy. Things like:
- The subscriber life cycle and how to work your email list to accomodate
- How to balance the use of broadcasts vs autoresponders
- 6 Types of email followups, when to use them, and how
This will be presented on Wednesday to members, but also part of this upcoming course. If you’re not yet a Lab member, you can do something about it before Wednesday and join us on the call. 🙂
– David