Membership Sites

How To Turn Wordpress Into A Powerful Training Portal, with WP Courseware

This is Day 6 of the 30 Days, 30 Killer Wordpress Plug-ins Series. Many people that sell online training use Wordpress to deliver the content. You set up the training inside of Wordpress, protect it all with something like Wishlist Member, then go to market. But, sometimes you want more than that. And, that was…

The Story of My First Membership Site

Membership sites come in a lot of different flavors. Some of them do recurring billing while others are just a delivery vehicle for a one-off product.

There are a bunch of different reasons why you’d probably want (or need) to set up a membership site in order to jump start your online business.

In fact, this is why I currently have six different membership sites in operation. Only two of them are recurring and the other four are traditional products where I simply used a membership site as the delivery vehicle.

But, there’s always that story of the first one. 🙂

Forget This One Thing, And Your Membership Site Will Fail

We know that continuity income is a great idea. And we know that membership sites are a great way to do it.

But, this leads into the next natural step here: Determining what exactly to do inside your membership site.

After talking with a lot of people via email, via consulting calls, via Academy mastermind calls… I see that membership sites are on people’s minds. But, the “why” for it usually goes something like this…