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Many people end up writing blog posts “just because”… without any real strategy behind it. While there are many factors that go into doing it in a strategic way, there are 2 primary questions that I believe you MUST ask yourself before you hit the Publish button on any post – or better yet – before you even sit down and start writing.

Also see: The Essential Guide To How To Build Your Email List [The List Building Equation]



Hey, there! David Risley, here from Blog Marketing Academy. And like I said, I want to talk to you about 2 different things that you need to keep in mind and ask yourself before you hit the publish button on any blog post. And let’s go into those…

The first one is you need to ask yourself, “How can I use this blog post to build my email list”.

So, that’s a really, really important one because really what it comes down to is that, that is the number one priority of your blog; to build your list. So every single blog post that you do needs to in some way add to your list building strategy. And what I mean by that is that I want you think about it in a little bit more strategic way. That is, instead of putting some random blog post out there and depending on your side bar opt-in to do all the work; what would really be nice is if you can actually have a targeted email giveaway for every single blog post.

Now, that would be ideal. I don’t always have one on every single blog post and I’m not saying that you need to create a new email opt-in every single time you write a blog post. But that is a really effective email list strategy. And it can be really, really short, by the way.

One of the examples is that you go to and you search for a blog post called “The List Building Formula“. You’ll actually see that I talk all about how you can give away these targeted opt-in offers. But I actually have an example of it on that particular post because I actually have a tactic list of email list building tactics that you can download right there on that blog post but of course, I’ll ask for your email address in order to do that. And it’s a really quick thing. I think it was only a couple of pages as a PDF but people are opting-in for it but it was very targeted. It also allows you to do a lot of interesting marketing after the fact.

So it all comes down to one basic question and that is, “How can I use this blog post I’m about to publish to put more people on to my email list. So that is number one.

Number 2 is “What do I want this reader to do after they’ve read my blog post?

Now that is a very, very important question. It leads itself to the idea of the call to action. Call to actions are very important marketing concept but it comes down to really as simple as, what do you want them to do when they’re done consuming this concept… and then you tell them to do that thing. It’s really that simple.

So, do you want them to click on an affiliate link and go potentially buy something? Do you want them to go and watch a video? Do you want them to opt-in to your list? Do you want them to post a comment?

Decide what your primary motivation is; your primary reason why you are putting this out there, what do you want them to do and then at the end, you tell them to do that.

Now, you should not write a blog post without knowing first what you want the person to do when they get to the end of it. And then you end the post, accordingly.

So, those are the two questions:

1. How can I use this blog post to build my list?

2. What do you want them to do when they’re done reading it?

Always, those. Now, are there other important factors when you put out a piece of content? Yes, there are. These are probably the two most important ones. I think you should write them down and emblazon them to your computer monitor and make sure that you do this. You think about this every single time you write a blog post for your site. You are actually going to build your list quicker and you will also be blogging in a more strategic way which what we are ll about here at Blog Marketing Academy.

If you find these videos valuable I would highly appreciate it if you would share them out on social media. Also if you’re not subscribe to my email list already, click the link on the top of this video, or below this video wherever the heck you see it and subscribe to my YouTube channel  so you can keep up to date with the latest videos that we do here at the Academy.

With that, I’ll see you on the next video blog next week!

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