While your blog, videos and landing pages sit at the top of the machine and bring people in, it is everything that happens after that which usually does the heavy lifting. I call it the business machine.
It is your email list, the automated campaigns, the tagging and automations that takes place behind the scenes that is usually most responsible for making it all work. It is the underlying “plumbing” of your online business.
Top Articles On Email Marketing Automation
How To Clean Your Email List And Ensure Good Delivery Rates From A New Sender
Here’s how to clean your email list and begin sending from a new email platform in order to ensure good email deliverability.
Building Your Email List Via A Free Membership: Why You Might Want To (And How)
A look at using a free membership level in order to build your email list rather than simply giving PDF downloads. How well does it work… and how do you do it?
FluentCRM Review: A Look At Marketing Email Automation Inside WordPress
Let’s take an inside look at FluentCRM, a marketing automation CRM for Wordpress. This review will take a look at whether it is ready for primetime yet.
How To Increase Your Email Open Rates And Get Your Emails Delivered
It is one thing to build your email list. It is quite another to ensure the emails you send actually arrive and get opened. This guide provides multiple tactics to increase your email open rate and deliverability.
Ultimate Guide To Building An Email List: List Building That Works And Makes You Money
The complete guide to how to build your email list from your blog, including opt-in and lead magnet strategy that is working today.
Re-Engagement Emails: How My 10-Day Email Sequence Works (And Apparently Annoys A Few)
My 10-day re-engagement email campaign occasionally gets responses from people who are annoyed by it, but it still works very well. Here I share why I do it the way I do and how my re-engagement campaign works.
Smart Survey System: Your Guide To Using Surveys To Grow Your Business
It is common to overlook the power of surveys. It is also common to use surveys in a way which just isn’t effective. In this guide, we’ll cover the strategic…
9 Tactics For Autopilot Social Proof: How To Get Testimonials On Automatic
Not enough testimonials? Here’s several strategies to get testimonials automatically using systems. So you’ll have a constant flow of new reviews coming in for social proof.
7 Things You Can Do In Less Than A Few Hours to Grow Your List More Effectively
You can grow your email list effectively without taking a ton of time to do it. Here are 7 strategies you can use to grow your list in just a…
Email Deliverability: The Simple Guide To How To Ensure Your Best Deliverability Metrics
How do you make sure the emails you send to your list actually get delivered? How do you get into the inbox? This guide will walk you through what you…
Subscriber-Only Content: How To Ensure Only Your Subscribers Can Get Your Lead Magnets
Here’s how you can secure content (like lead magnets) on your site for subscribers only, but without requiring them to log-in to see it.
How To Increase Your Email Open Rates And Get Your Emails Delivered
It is one thing to build your email list. It is quite another to ensure the emails you send actually arrive and get opened. This guide provides multiple tactics to…
Lead Magnets With BeeHiiv: How To Deliver Them And Set Up Your Automations
How’s how to set up multiple lead magnets with BeeHiiv and use automations to deliver them.
BeeHiiv Integrations: How To Connect Your Own Forms To BeeHiiv (Using The API)
In this post, I will show you how to integrate any forms on your site with BeeHiiv. Including the PHP code needed to use the BeeHiiv API to subscribe leads…
BeeHiiv Review: Why I’ve Decided To Switch My Newsletter(s) Over To BeeHiiv
I recently switched my newsletters over to BeeHiiv. In this BeeHiiv review, let’s discuss why, how it compares with Substack and ConvertKit, and why BeeHiiv still shouldn’t be your ONLY…
How To Build A Calculator Form Easily Without Any Coding
Calculator forms can be useful for online calculators, free tests for lead generation, client reporting, etc. Here’s how you can easily create powerful calculator forms on your WordPress site and…
How I Built A Service Credit System For My Membership Site
This tutorial will show you how I built a service credit system into my membership site, allowing members to purchase credits and then redeem those credits for additional services like…
Awesome Support From ConvertKit. I Want To Acknowledge Them Publicly.
I just want to tell you how responsive ConvertKit support is. Thanks, guys.
Is Your Website Annoying To Your Visitors?
So many websites in 2022 are highly annoying to visit due to all the popups, cookie notices and more. Is your site one of them?
Using Simply Schedule Appointments To Build A Powerful Scheduler Right Inside Wordpress (No Third Party Calendars!)
Here’s how I use Simply Schedule Appointments to build a robust scheduler right on my Wordpress site (and integrate with FluentCRM).
Thrive Automator Is Out Of Beta. And Here’s Why That Matters…
Thrive Automator is now out of beta. It is completely free. And, the way they’re doing it could be a game changer when it comes to automation within Wordpress.
How To Clean Your Email List And Ensure Good Delivery Rates From A New Sender
Here’s how to clean your email list and begin sending from a new email platform in order to ensure good email deliverability.
Switching To FluentCRM: Here’s The Process I Used To Switch From Drip
It was something I didn’t look forward to, but I finally got it done. I migrated from Drip to FluentCRM. Here’s how it worked out…
Blog Categories Done Smartly: How To Define Your Blog Category Structure To Make More Leads And Sales
There’s the usual way to define blog categories… then there’s the SMART way which will help you with your online marketing. A simple change in how you look at your…
FluentCRM Review Update: Is It Ready For Me To Switch Over?
When I first reviewed FluentCRM, I was impressed. Yet, it wasn’t ready for me to switch over yet. 7 months later, how has FluentCRM developed? Is it ready now?
Wordpress Document Library: How To Cleanly Embed PDF Files And Create A PDF Library
Here’s how to cleanly and simply display full PDF files and create your own Wordpress document library. Great for Wordpress membership sites.
Building Your Email List Via A Free Membership: Why You Might Want To (And How)
A look at using a free membership level in order to build your email list rather than simply giving PDF downloads. How well does it work… and how do you…
How To Integrate ConvertBox With FluentCRM
FluentCRM and ConvertBox don’t technically integrate, but here’s how you can send new leads from ConvertBox into FluentCRM.
Why 2021 Is The Year A Membership Site Becomes More Important Than Ever (And It Has Nothing To Do With Monetization)
The increase of censorship and deplatforming is not just political noise. It should serve as a wakeup call to revisit the structure of your online presence. Here’s why…
FluentCRM Review: A Look At Marketing Email Automation Inside WordPress
Let’s take an inside look at FluentCRM, a marketing automation CRM for Wordpress. This review will take a look at whether it is ready for primetime yet.
Need my help building your automations?
Whether it be setting up your automated email campaigns, figuring out the right tagging scheme, or just strategizing the whole thing… I do it day in and day out. And I can do it for you, too. I’m like the marketing automation plumber. Maybe I can help you build your’s, too.