
How A Blog Really Makes Money

How A Blog Really Makes Money

In this episode, I revisit the TRUE function of the blog and how a blog actually fits into the scheme of things. This episode will provide a “birds eye view” of the business model, where a blog fits into it and what the purpose is…. and you’ll see how a blog actually makes money.

If you understand this, you’ll save yourself a lot of time and effort chasing unicorns. 😉

Setting Your Price Part 2 – When Is The Right Time For Low Prices?

Setting Your Price Part 2 – When Is The Right Time For Low Prices?

In terms of techniques to drive sales, the most common one out there is the low-ball the price. Put it on sale, offer a discount, put out a coupon. And sure, it works. For awhile. Until it doesn’t. See, low prices is really lazy marketing. And if you end up relying on it too much, it puts your business into a poor position. That said, there IS a good time to have low prices.